Getting into a top law school is no mean feat. Develop a strategic approach and attack the law school application process full-force. This includes:
The LSAT registration deadline is about a month in advance of each test date.
Click here for a list of Online JD Programs offering enhanced flexibility and affordability.
The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) is a service provided by the LSAC and is required by most ABA-approved law schools. For a fee, CAS will assemble a report containing your transcript, LSAT scores , and letters of recommendation. After you apply to the law schools of your choice, they will contact the CAS directly and request a copy of your report.
Check out school stats to find out where your GPA and test scores will fit comfortably within the application pool.Your best bet is to apply to a mix of reach, match, and safety schools.
While your law school application will be relatively straightforward to complete, your personal statement will most definitely benefit from careful ruminations and multiple revisions. Ask some people who know you well—and have good critical eyes—to read your personal statement to make sure that it communicates your character. Admissions officers will appreciate a clear indication of what attracted you to law and what particular field interests you.
Take a LSAT practice test with us under the same conditions as the real thing. You'll get a personalized score report highlighting your strengths and areas of improvement.
For more than 40 years, students and families have trusted The Princeton Review to help them get into their dream schools. We help students succeed in high school and beyond by giving them resources for better grades, better test scores, and stronger college applications. Follow us on Twitter: @ThePrincetonRev.