The Security Officer Registration Act was passed in 2007 and mandated standardized training for all contract security positions in the state of New Jersey. SORA training is a three step process that must be completed within a 30 day period. The three step process includes registration with the New Jersey State Police, completing 24 hours of instruction with a certified instructor, and fingerprinting. Government issued identification is required for each step of the process. Credit card payments are required ! NO CASH PAYMENTS ! Get a Preloaded card from CVS.
The SORA Training course includes but is not limited to:
SORA training classes are typically offered on a weekly basis (Virtual /Online)Covering the state of New Jersey. Please visit our SORA registration page for exact dates and times, as well as pricing.
All SORA applicants must:
These certificates are issued by the state police. CLICK HERE to register and pay for your certificate.