csv - reading and writing delimited text data

Comma-separated value data is likely the structured data format that we’re all most familiar with, due to CSV being easily-consumed by spreadsheet applications. It’s not a coincidence that CSV is easy to understand and inspect because it is just text, and a hugely popular format for data interchange.

That said, it is not as simple as its name would seem to promise. Assuming that each line of a CSV text file is a new row is hugely naive because of all the edge cases that arise in real-world dirty data. This is why we turn to Python’s csv library for both the reading of CSV data, and the writing of CSV data.

Quick reference¶

Automate the Boring Stuff has a chapter titled: Working with CSV Files and JSON Data

You can read the official csv documentation here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html

If you need a referesher on how to invoke the various csv functions and classes, here’s a quick cheatsheet:

Creating a csv.reader() object from a file object¶

Pass a file object into csv.reader():

import csv datafile = open('data.csv', 'r') myreader = csv.reader(datafile) for row in myreader: print(row[0], row[1], row[2]) 

Creating a csv.reader() object from string¶

Split the string into lines of text, then pass into csv.reader() :

import csv rawdata = 'name,age\nDan,33\nBob,19\nSheri,42' myreader = csv.reader(rawdata.splitlines()) for row in myreader: print(row[0], row[1]) 

Using the first line of a dataset as headers for each deserialized data object (dicts)¶

import csv rawdata = 'name,age\nDan,33\nBob,19\nSheri,42' myreader = csv.DictReader(rawdata.splitlines()) for row in myreader: print(row['name'], row['age']) 

Given a list of lists, how to serialize the data as a CSV text file¶

Use csv.writer and its writerow() method, which takes in a list as an argument:

data = [ ['Dan', 42], ['Cordelia', 33], ['Sammy', 52] ] import csv with open('outputdata.csv', 'w') as outfile: mywriter = csv.writer(outfile) # manually add header mywriter.writerow(['name', 'age']) for d in data: mywriter.writerow(d) 

Given a list of dicts, serialize the data as CSV¶

import csv data = [ 'name': 'Pat', 'age': 78>, 'name': 'Nancy', 'age': 23>, ] headers = ['name', 'age'] with open('outputdata.csv', 'w') as outfile: mywriter = csv.DictWriter(outfile, fieldnames=headers) mywriter.writeheader() for d in data: mywriter.writerow(d) 

Understanding CSV as just text values separated by commas¶

The name “comma-separated values” promises a data format with the easiest kind of parsing: use a comma to separate each data value.

For simple data, it seems self-evident where the columns will go:

id,name,age 7,James Bond,42 11,Dani West,19

Saving that as a text file and opening up in a spreadsheet would result in this simple table:

id name age
7 James Bond 4
11 Dani West 19

If we wanted to parse each row’s age value, we could read the above text as one big string and split the string by lines:

rawtext = """id,name,age 7,James Bond,42 11,Dani West,19""" records = rawtext.splitlines() 

Try the above snippet in the interactive shell, and test out what records actually is.

>>> type(records) list >>> len(records) 3 >>> records ['id,name,age', '7,James Bond,42', '11,Dani West,19'] >>> records[1] '7,James Bond,42' 

Let’s pretend we wanted to print out the age “column” of each row, each row being a line of text, and records being a list of lines of text:

>>> row = records[1] >>> type(row) str >>> row '7,James Bond,42' 

We could use a regular expression to extract the pattern that represents the age (a number at the end of the line). But we could also do something simpler: split the row string by comma, which gives us a list of strings. And then the age value is the last value in that list:

>>> row = records[1] >>> vals = row.split(',') >>> type(vals) list >>> len(vals) 3 >>> vals[1] 'James Bond' >>> vals[2] '42' 

To print out the ages of each line using a for-loop:

for row in records: vals = row.split(',') age = vals[2] print("Age:", age) 
The output: Age: age Age: 42 Age: 19

Unfortunately, the CSV specification is not simply, “a comma means that there is a column”. Take this example, in which the name isn’t James Bond , but James Bond, Jr. .

This throws an obvious wrench in our data structure: the “James Bond” column now has 4 columns, if we go only by literal commas:

id,name,age 7,James Bond, Jr.,42 11,Dani West,19

How are commas that are part of a data field handled? In some situations by double quoting the field:

id,name,age 7,"James Bond, Jr.",42 11,Dani West,19

But what happens when a text field contains a comma and double quotes? Then you need to double-quote the field. But when we realize that there are many ways for text data to get messy – including the inclusion of newline characters within a column, rather than just what we use to delimit rows – then it becomes obvious the official CSV specification is more or less considered a disaster.

Certainly, it is not possible to sanely extract data from CSV-formatted text using the string split() method and regular expressions alone. We need to use Python’s build in csv library.

What is deserialization and serialization¶

Before moving on to the specifics of CSV, it’s important to see the big picture.

As I’ve said from the very beginning, virtually all of the important data we deal with comes as plain text, whether it is:

However, it’s not just raw text that we want. It needs to be structured text – text without structure is just noise. But when there is structure, then we can turn text into data objects – particularly, lists and dictionaries – that we can use in our programs.

The csv library is Python’s built-in, no-fuss way of turning raw text into a list of lists, or list of dicts. If you can open a text file for reading, you can convert it into data via csv ‘s methods. Conversely, if you have lists and dicts in Python, you can serialize them to be stored as text, which means you can port your data objects in such a way that someone else can deserialize and import them for their own programs.

Basically, all of what we learn here are the steps needed to turn raw text into data objects, and as far as we’re concerned, it’s just more libraries and functions to remember.

I’ll be honest: if you thought reading and writing files was complicated, then I have to warn you that the csv library throws in extra layer of “is-this-thing-a-file-or-what-is-it??” confusion. Or at least it did for me – not until very late in my Python programming experience did it make sense to me why all the steps for converting raw text into data objects via csv were needed.

But I’ll try to present the library as a list of useful recipes. You might not get all of the steps, but if you just follow, and repeat them, you’ll eventually understand the nuance of turning text into data, and vice versa.

The important thing is, just by doing these steps, you’ll be able to turn text into data. And virtually all of the important data we deal with is text from someone else that we need to import into our program.

Deserializing CSV text files with the csv.reader ¶

First, to bring the csv library into our programs, we have to import it. Include this at the beginning of your work:

import csv 

For this lesson, let’s use a trivial data file. You can view it at this URL:

The contents are simply this:

name,age Alice,24 Bob,19 Charles,42

And let’s have an end goal to our data work: we want to calculate the total age of each person in this data list

Loading the data

You can do this however you like. You can copy/paste the simple bit of text and load it in as a string, and then invoke splitlines() so that the records variable is a list of text lines:

rawtext = """name,age Alice,24 Bob,19 Charles,42""" records = rawtext.splitlines() 

Or you could download the contents of the URL as text and save yourself the copy-pasting of that data:

import requests url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/simple-people.csv' rawtext = requests.get('url').text records = rawtext.splitlines() 

Or you could do the full steps, from downloading the data, to saving a local copy, to then reading text from a file object:

import requests url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/simple-people.csv' rawtext = requests.get('url').text destname = 'simple-people.csv' with open(destname, 'w') as wf: wf.write(rawtext) with open(destname, 'r') as rf: rawtext = rf.read().splitlines() 

You can save those 4 lines of text in a text file named rawdata.csv .

Or you can store it in a string, with the variable name of rawtext .

I’ll assume that for the remainder of this exercise, you have a variable named records which is the result of either of these data loading steps:

The csv.reader() function accepts either a file object, or a list of CSV-formmated text strings. So either of these setups would work in instantiating the myreader object:

If you managed to turn the raw text data into a file, which you then opened as a file-object, then this would work:

import csv f = open('simple-people.csv', 'r') myreader = csv.reader(f) 

Or, just pass in a list of CSV-formatted text strings:

import csv rawtext = """name,age Alice,24 Bob,19 Charles,42""" records = rawtext.splitlines() myreader = csv.reader(records) 

What is myreader . Using type() reveals that it is a _csv.reader type-object with apparently no useful methods, such as read() or give_me_data() .

In fact, we’re not meant to have any kind of special interaction with myreader . It should be treated as a collection-type object to iterate through. For example, this is how to print each age value for each line:

for row in myreader: print('Age is:', row[1]) 

The resulting output:

Age is: age Age is: 24 Age is: 19 Age is: 42

Each row in the iterator is a list object. Index 0 is the name value, and 1 is the age value.

As with all file operations, once we’ve iterated through a file object/stream, in this case, the stream that myreader has wrapped around, re-running our loop from above will return nothing, because myreader is exhausted of data. We have to re-load it with data, i.e. re-open and re-consume the text stream:

myreader = csv.reader(rawtext.splitlines()) 

However, we don’t have to interact with myreader via a for-loop. We can pass myreader into the list function, which converts myreader into a list of lists:

myreader = csv.reader(rawtext.splitlines()) records = list(myreader) for row in records: print("The age is:", row[0]) 

Forcing the myreader object to turn into a list is basically the same thing as creating an empty list, and looping through myreader and appending each object of the iteration to the empty list:

records = [] myreader = csv.reader(rawtext.splitlines()) for row in myreader: records.append(row) 

Either way, if you’re doing this in the shell, you can inspect the records data structure as you please:

>>> type(records) list >>> len(records) 4 >>> records [['name', 'age'], ['Alice', '24'], ['Bob', '19'], ['Charles', '42']] >>> records[0] ['name', 'age'] >>> type(records[0]) list >>> len(records[0]) 2 >>> records[1] ['Alice', '24'] >>> age = records[1][1] >>> age '24' >>> type(age) str 

Take a look at the last line of this interactive output. That is, what does the age value look like to us humans and what do we want it to mean, versus, what does the Python interpreter think it is?

Most humans associate “age” with anumber, so, Alice’s age is the number 24 . However, in a plaintext import, numbers are always treated as text – the `` csv.reader() does not do any processing other than figuring the structure of the data based on the use of commas.

That means our original goal of adding up ages will not work with simple, naive addition of values:

>>> '24' + '19' + '42' '241942' 

If you’re coming here from R and its convenient ``read.csv` functionality `_, you’ll have to go to a high-level library like Pandas to get the same convenience in Python.

We will be using pandas for serious data-crunching. but as always, I recommend you think of the low-level ways of solving this problem, so you don’t mistake pandas for magic.

What can we use to convert a text string of numbers into actual numbers? The int() function:

>>> int('24') + int('19') + int('42') 85 

Let’s put it all together, from the code deserialziing raw text into Python data structures, to using a loop to read each age value, to writing the logic necessary to track the total age:

Note that I add a couple of lines of boilerplate:

We don’t really need the column names to do the summation of ages, it just makes clearer why I skip the first row of records in the for loop:

headers = records[0] for row in records[1:]: age = int(row[1]) 

OK, all together:

import csv import requests url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/simple-people.csv' rawtext = requests.get(url).text myreader = csv.reader(rawtext.splitlines()) records = list(myreader) total_age = 0 headers = records[0] for row in records[1:]: age = int(row[1]) total_age += age print("The total age is:", total_age) 
The total age is: 85


Of course there are variations depending on how much you like brevity. Here’s a variation that doesn’t waste time turning csv.reader() into a list, when we can iterate through the reader object as if it were a list:

import csv import requests url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/simple-people.csv' total_age = 0 textlines = requests.get(url).text.splitlines() for row in csv.reader(textlines[1:]): total_age += int(row[1]) print("The total age is:", total_age) 

And this is why we learn list comprehensions, a beautiful bit of Python syntax sugar:

import csv import requests url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/simple-people.csv' textlines = requests.get(url).text.splitlines() records = csv.reader(textlines[1:]) ages = [int(row[1]) for row in records] print("The total age is:", sum(ages)) 

Creating a list of cits with csv.DictReader() ¶

Let’s use the same simple data set found here:

But this time, let’s parse the data using the csv.DictReader class, which you can read about in the official documentation.

Basically, csv.DictReader works just like csv.reader , except instead of giving us a list of lists, we get a list of dictionaries:

import csv import requests url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/simple-people.csv' textlines = requests.get(url).text.splitlines() r_lists = list(csv.reader(textlines)) r_dicts = list(csv.DictReader(textlines)) 

Using the interactive shell to inspect the r_lists and r_dicts objects:

>>> type(r_lists) list >>> type(r_dicts) list >>> len(r_lists) 4 >>> len(r_dicts) 3 >>> x = r_lists[0] >>> type(x) list >>> x ['name', 'age'] >>> y = r_dicts[0] >>> type(y) dict >>> y >>> y['age'] '24' 

Initializing the csv.DictReader class is the same process as csv.reader() , but the two methods differ in they process the lines of text. The DictReader() method assumes that the first line is the column headers, and thus are not meant to be actual data. That’s why the DictReader version produced only 3 rows, compared to the 4 rows produced by csv.reader , due to the header/column-heads being counted as a data row.

Not much changes beyond that. To count up the ages using a list of dicts looks like this, but note how I don’t have to skip the first row in records because I know it isn’t simply a header row:

total_age = 0 records = list(csv.DictReader(textlines)) for row in records: age = int(row['age']) total_age += age print("The total age is:", total_age) 

Note the column accessor is, depending on how you think of things, easier to grok because it uses a human-readable reference:

age = int(row['age']) 

Whereas with the list created by csv.reader, we have to remember that index 1 contains the age value in the dataset. Simple enough in a simple dataset, but not reasonabe in certain real-world scenarios.

DictReader for all the situations when the dict data structure is better than a list. In particular, when datasets have a lot of columns, it is pretty much impossible to refer to columns by their numerical order.

Take, for example, the NYPD Stop and Frisk Data (landing page).

You can download the 2015 data here:

The first thing you’ll notice is that there are a huge number of columns, more than a 100+. If we want to do a count of how many blacks were stopped and frisked in 2015, then we need to find the race column, which might require reading the data documentation to find that it is column 82 (81 with a 0 index):

import requests import csv url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/nypd-stop-and-frisk-2015.csv' RACE_COL_INDEX = 81 # this is a fairly hefty download resp = requests.get(url) lines = resp.text.splitlines() bcount = 0 tcount = 0 for cols in csv.reader(lines[1:]): tcount += 1 if cols[RACE_COL_INDEX] == 'B': bcount += 1 print(bcount, 'blacks were stopped, out of', tcount, 'total stops in 2015') 

However, with dictionaries, we just have to know that there is a column named race :

import requests import csv url = 'http://stash.compciv.org/2017/nypd-stop-and-frisk-2015.csv' # this is a fairly hefty download resp = requests.get(url) lines = resp.text.splitlines() bcount = 0 tcount = 0 for cols in csv.reader(lines): tcount += 1 if cols['race'] == 'B': bcount += 1 print(bcount, 'blacks were stopped, out of', tcount, 'total stops in 2015') 

However, there are some datasets in which you don’t need that kind of dictionary key access. For example, a 2-column dataset. Or a dataset that has no headers.

Serializing Python data objects as CSV¶

Writeup TK: But it’s pretty straightforawrd:

Use the csv.writer class, and pass in a file object that is set for writing:

import csv destname = 'outdata.csv' destfile = open(destname, 'w') mywriter = csv.writer(destfile) mywriter.writerow(['name', 'age']) mywriter.writerow(['Dan', 42]) mywriter.writerow(['Alice', 37]) destfile.close() 

Use the csv.DictReader class. However, initializing the DictReader object requires passing in a fieldnames argument, a list of the exact column headers you intend to include, as well as their exact order. DictReader can’t infer from individual dict objects alone what the CSV structure should be like:

import csv destname = 'outdata.csv' destfile = open(destname, 'w') mywriter = csv.DictWriter(destfile, fieldnames=['party', 'name', 'age']) # this is how we add the header to the text file mywriter.writeheader() mywriter.writerow( 'name': 'Bob', 'party': 'R', 'age': 25 >) mywriter.writerow( 'age': 67, 'name': 'Cordelia', 'party': 'D', >) destfile.close() 

Notice how the key/value pairs for the dictionaries can be in any order – DictWriter takes care of ordering them in the output text file:

party,name,age R,Bob,25 D,Cordelia,67